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Celebrate Recovery
Who is it for?
Are you struggling with addiction? Do you need some help in your life to overcome smaller things? Maybe you’ve gone through traumatic experiences in your life and you don’t know how to handle them. Maybe you’ve been abused either physically, sexually, or emotionally and you have this void inside you that you need help identifying and working to heal. If any of these ring a bell for you, then Celebrate Recovery can help. It is so much more than just helping to get past drugs or alcohol.
What is Celebrate Recovery?
Our focus is on the “Hurt, Habit, and Hangups” that trip up so many people. It can range from things like nail-biting, spending too much time on social media, overspending, or negative attitudes to more life-altering habits like rage, anger, sexual addiction, drugs, or alcohol.
We use a 12 step program that is based on the 8 principles found in the Beatitudes to come alongside you and help you to heal.
Is it Safe? Who will know about it?
Our trained leaders offer a confidential, safe environment for anyone who is attending.
When does it meet?
Celebrate Recovery meets every Tuesday from 7 PM to 9 PM in the Classroom Building adjacent to the church. You don’t need an appointment – just show up and let the healing begin.

Our traditional archery group for both men and women meets on Tuesday nights in our fellowship hall. Don’t have a bow or not sure how to shoot? Someone will be glad to lend a bow and teach you the basics. Kids under 16 years old are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult.
See you Tuesday nights.

Join Sheran as she goes in depth studying the Bible. You’ll read the scriptures and learn the history that goes along with them, as well as getting to know some of your fellow sisters in the Lord.

There are few things that hurt a parent more than watching their child struggle in school. We understand that and cover many of the subjects that your child needs through our free tutoring service. Contact us by phone or Kathy through e-mail to let us know what your child needs.
Allow us to help you and your child lift the burden and stress from school and turn it into a joy!

Join us the second Saturday of every month for a Men’s breakfast at Denny’s in Smithton. It’s a great time of fellowship – a few minutes of sharing, but a lifetime of building relationships.
Each man is responsible for his own breakfast but the fellowship is free.
For more information contact Reed Anders – ffmcc@comcast.net or call the office at (724) 929-9290

Other people don’t truly understand how tough it is to be a single parent—day after day after day. Sometimes you want to give up. And that’s a normal reaction—you’re doing the job of two people. You should be tired.
The thing is – you deeply desire to do what’s best for your kids, but you worry that you can’t. Sometimes it’s all you can do to survive from one day to the next.
So what can you do?
Single & Parenting groups address these concerns. You’ll discover how to deal with your deep-down worries and your day-to-day struggles. You’ll meet with other single parents to learn and discuss some amazing parenting strategies and hope-filled insights.
Our group is led by Colleen Marek and meets every Monday at the Monessen Public Library. There is a $15.00 book fee. Contact the church office at 724-929-9290 if you need more information.

There are few things that hurt a parent more than watching their child struggle in school. We understand that and cover many of the subjects that your child needs through our free tutoring service. Contact us by phone or Kathy through e-mail to let us know what your child needs.
Allow us to help you and your child lift the burden and stress from school and turn it into a joy!

Join us every Monday night for great conversation, building strong friendships and either learning or simply improving your knitting skills with the Knit Wits. Come and accomplish some pretty creative things!