Christian Center Church

Christian Center Church

the perfect church for imperfect people

We will be a training ground for the believers in Jesus, and those who are not yet believers, to become all that they can be to change their world.

What We Believe

All Shall Know

We want to make sure everyone knows that they are loved by God, and that he desires to have a personal relationship with each of us.

Finding Purpose

Every person will understand his/her calling, value, and purpose and then act on it both inside and outside of the church.

What We Believe

We believe that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16. We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons, the Father,...


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Water Baptism
Water Baptism

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Events Calender

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God always wants to bless you!
You are the one God loves the most and when we come to realize that we learn to expect his blessings. Boaz is a type of Christ for Ruth and Naomi. He sees them, loves them and wants them to receive his blessings!
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Things are not always as they seem! (Lessons from Ruth 1)
Even when things look their worst. Even when we or others around us have made bad decisions that impact us. If we choose to trust God's love, goodness, and faithfulness, we will see his blessing!
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Where are you going? (Keep your eyes on the prize)
God wants you to have real relationships with real people who will love you, have your back, see you, really connect with you. He wants you to enjoy the world he created just for you.
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Connected, Empowered, and Free Part 2
Being connected to Jesus not only gives us life, but it also empowers us to bear fruit in our lives. Our main idea today is that when we are connected to Jesus, we naturally bear fruit, and His Word comes alive within us. Let’s take another look at John 15:1-8, where Jesus describes Himself as the true vine and us as the branches.
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Connected, empowered, and free
As we make his word alive in us, we know Him and his heart so as we pray our prayers are answered because we know his heart and his word lives in us and through us so there is an expectation of answered prayer
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Pick me! Pick me!
We often battle. Does God really love me? Does he see me? Does he know me? The answer to all of those questions is “Yes,” and these verses tell us that! Before you thought of or had any knowledge of God, he knew you and chose you to be exactly what he called you to be through every gift, skill, talent, and personality to bring him great pleasure
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The Cost of Joy!
Christians should live a joy-filled life! I’m not foolish enough to believe we won’t face struggles, trials, temptations, and battles everywhere. If you are reading your Bible, you will see everywhere how so many Godly people walk through struggles with families and friends, finances and job situations, health and so much more so will we, but we have a hope and an anticipation that God is going to turn it all for our good….it is learning to get us out of the way and choosing to trust Him.
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Time to shut the Lion’s mouth!
What am I talking about with such a title? Let’s look at Scripture 1 Peter 5:8  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil...
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