Christian Center Church

Christian Center Church

the perfect church for imperfect people

We will be a training ground for the believers in Jesus, and those who are not yet believers, to become all that they can be to change their world.

What We Believe

All Shall Know

We want to make sure everyone knows that they are loved by God, and that he desires to have a personal relationship with each of us.

Finding Purpose

Every person will understand his/her calling, value, and purpose and then act on it both inside and outside of the church.

What We Believe

We believe that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16. We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons, the Father,...


Listen to our studies into the Book of Revelation

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Water Baptism
Water Baptism

Interested in being water-baptized as an adult?

Events Calender
Events Calender

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To Lead is to Serve  
Jesus turned the world upside down, really right side up in so many ways. He is God, was God as he walked the face of...
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Time for a change
Jesus is once again explaining that in order for the Holy Spirit to be poured out on all mankind in order for people to be saved, he must surrender his life. But he is also challenging those who want to truly be his disciples that they must too, be willing to lay down their lives! Jesus said it very plainly in Luke 9:23-25
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The true leader of the world!
When last we left Jesus, he just raised Lazarus and had gone to Ephraim, a wilderness area outside of Jerusalem. The Jewish leaders were all...
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You are loved!
Romans 3:10 (NLT) 10 As the Scriptures say, “No one is righteous— not even one. Romans 3:23 (NLT) 23 For everyone has sinned; we all...
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One minute after you die
Last week we talked about Lazarus and Jesus raising him from the dead. We all have an appointment with death but that appointment is when...
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I’m not dead yet!
Notice it says Jesus loved them yet he allowed them to walk through this….God’s ways are higher than our ways and when we come to the place of completely trusting him our world changes Satan’s reach will always be defeated in our lives and we need to pray to see every situation through the eyes of Jesus….Jesus stayed away long enough to allow Lazarus to be in the tomb for 4 days.
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Are you, His sheep?
First a history lesson (today were going to talk about history, theology, and science) Jesus is back in Jerusalem during another celebration…Hannukah…I know many do...
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He offers us so much more!
You see you are never to feel alone, but understand that you are part of a very large family of believers, and Jesus, The Father and the Holy Spirit are always working to help us feel as one!
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