The Christian Center is proud to be a satellite location for The Global Center School of Theology. The School offers a variety of certificate of ministry programs, and in addition, a person can receive a Diploma of Ministry, an Associate of Theology, a Bachelor of Theology, a Master of Sacred Studies, a Master of Theology, a Doctor of Sacred Studies, and Doctor of Theology.
Divisions of study are: Biblical Theology, Christian Counseling, Historical Theology, New Testament, Old Testament, and Practical Theology.
Each class accounts for three credit hours of credit and costs $185.00.
There is also a one-time registration fee of $60.00.
For more information, registration, and enrollment please click below:
We hope and pray that you can join us soon!
Sincerely in His service,
Pastor Don Hezlep
Contact Information:
Pastor Don Hezlep is a full-time hospice chaplain, Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, and also counsels at the church. He is available evenings at 724-875-8720 or via email.
Jackie Greenawalt, administrator, is a retired college advisor. She can be reached at 724-930-7160 or via email.