God has blessed each of us with unique gifts, talents, and passions to impact our community and world. Here at Christian Center, we aim to help you put those gifts to use by volunteering for one of our many ministries. Check out the many options to serve. Once you’re ready, you can send us an email, call the office, or fill out one of the “Get Involved” cards inside the church.


Greet our church family and guest as they arrive for service, hand out our weekly bulletin and answer questions they may have or direct them to our connection desk.

Sunday Worship Team

Love to sing or play an instrument? The worship team is for you. They meet weekly to prepare for the next Sunday’s services. Jon Kozik will be glad to talk to you.

Friday Night Worship Team

Love to sing or play an instrument? This worship team is for you. They meet on Thursday nights to prepare for Friday night services. Brett Lincoln will be glad to talk to you.

Connection Desk

Is a place to greet our families with children helping them check their children into their class. You will also have the opportunity to talk with new guests about our church, give them a tour and pass out the visitor packet.

Drama Team

Enjoy acting? This would be a great place to help out with skits during sermons, vacation bible school and many other opportunities.

Hands and Feet Ministry

If you like cooking or baking and want to bless others in a time of need, this would be perfect for you. If cooking and baking is not your niche, but you would still like to lend a helping hand, you can still be a part of this ministry with prayers, phone calls short, visits delivering food, or even donating a gift card.

Go Team

The Go Team works with local missionaries as well as missionaries around the world. They offer them up in prayer, minister to them with encouragement, but provide them with financial support. The Go Team also participates in mission trips.


The opportunity to reach out and impact the community through a variety of different events held at the church and in the community (Christmas, Single Mom Conference, VBS) or events happening at the church (picnics, family nights).

Media Team

Like to work with technology? This is the place for you to run the soundboard, camera and/or computer during the weekly services. We are happy to train you.

Grounds Keeping

Love being outside? We could use your help with cutting the grass, weed whacking, pulling weeds and shoveling snow.

House Keeping

We are always looking for people who have extra time to lend a hand around the church from cleaning to painting and other odds and ends. We have several workdays throughout the year.