What is God?

I could have said, “who is God?” but for today I wanted us to have an understanding of the “what” of God….what makes up who God is? Today we will define part of what makes up God so we can get him, and his role in our lives and the world, better. Because of what God is there is an accountability to how we reveal God to our brothers and sisters in Christ and how the world sees Jesus in us.

I gotta’ love them!

So loving each other doesn’t just mean being kind and loving but doing what God commands…there is a whole bunch of stuff in the Bible about what God commands. Let’s go on a journey together to understand what it means…why is this so important…Jesus made it important, our world is falling apart and they need to see some hope, something tangible that says to them they can have joy, someone does care, it is worth it (whatever “it” is)

The Plan

In college, I learned the phrase…”Prior planning prevents poor performance”

Spontaneity can be fun, on occasion, for pleasure, vacations, quick trips however for business and much of life …
Most of us function better when we have a plan or know the plan we are to follow
Think about it…to win in any sport you must have plan, to succeed in business you must have a plan…everything is designed with a plan, our homes, vehicles, what about our lives?
Everything successful comes with a plan.

Did you ever ask yourself…”Why am I here?” It is important to answer that question because it does reveal a plan

Creating a world-changing, devil stomping, on-fire, generation!

The idea here is teaching your children to pray, talk and live the word of God…if He indeed created us, designed us for a purpose then His ways are the ones that will truly bless us and knowing His word causes us to know Him and we can easily talk to Him on a regular basis because we know Him as friend and Father.

The Faith of Easter – Part 3 Matthew

Jesus didn’t demand that they get their life straight and act like a Pharisee…he came and meet them so he could show them what a life of love, joy, and peace would look like…they might have heard his words and it gone over their heads but instead he met them where they were and showed them what they wanted and needed and how to get there from where they were.