Making the connection Part 1

So many things are clamoring for our attention. Wanting us to listen to this or that, pay attention to this or that. Then sometimes we have trouble with a connection. I had T-Mobile for a brief period of time, I loved their service, when their system worked, it was great but my problem was I had no connection in my house or Monessen, or if I did get connection it was spotty and broken up….God wants a clear connection with us not spotty not with other voices competing for our attention just so we can have the confidence and success He plans for us.

Knowing your call

This is probably one of the hardest questions people face. I know what I do everyday in my job. I know what hobbies I enjoy. I know how I’m serving in the church but is this my call. We have two calls or types of calls on our lives. First …

Wise men always find the King

The wise men traveled to Bethlehem from eastern lands somewhere on the other side of the Arabian Desert. They did not merely wander or let the wind blow them in a haphazard direction without intent.They came on purpose and with purses that were filled with gifts fit for royalty. They came to see, honor, and anoint as true royalty One that had been prophesied from long ago. The …