A river runs through you!
COVID, politics, the troubles of the world, the troubles of our lives can bring us to a place of desert, God has a plan to keep us full of life not only for us but for all those around us, giving us hope, joy, and life!
COVID, politics, the troubles of the world, the troubles of our lives can bring us to a place of desert, God has a plan to keep us full of life not only for us but for all those around us, giving us hope, joy, and life!
Are Apostles and Prophets for today? How will we know them if they are? Are many people trying to prophesy how world events will unfold? What is the role of Apostles in the church today?
We should read all of the Bible. We should know more than just these few verses but in these times if we hold onto these ones we will stay strong and focused Remembering God’s love John 3:16 For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and …
We all go through times when we ask, “God when are you going to move?” As people of faith, there are reasons God delays, here are some you may find fit your circumstances
there are so many negative things going on in the world, what are we to do? God still has a plan and we are that plan!
Did Aliens come to earth already? Are their UFO sightings in the Bible? Is there life on other planets?
People often wonder, why does the God of the Old and New Testament seem so different? Is he really? There are so many different translation out there what is the best one for study or just reading? Is it un-Christian to suffer or go through hard times, should we only expect good from God?
Do you wonder about the role of the Holy Spirit, in our crazy world. Is he real, what does He do for us, in us, and through us. This may help!
What do you want? (keep the main thing the main thing) Sometimes we call it the “blahs” or the “blues” Sometimes we simply wonder isn’t there more? Sometimes we reach our goals, we have the family we want, we have the job we have been striving for, our man or …
WE WERE UNABLE TO SUPPLY A RECORDING THIS WEEK BUT HERE IS THE PUBLIC FACING POST ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=2328347910632186&ref=watch_permalink Sometimes we call it the “blahs” or the “blues” Sometimes we simply wonder isn’t there more? Sometimes we reach our goals, we have the family we want, we have the job …