The Faith of Easter! Part 4 Mary the mother of Jesus
Did Mary solve all of these problems? Yes and no! By saying yes to the Lord, she become the conduit through which the light and love the world needed could come and change the world.
Did Mary solve all of these problems? Yes and no! By saying yes to the Lord, she become the conduit through which the light and love the world needed could come and change the world.
Jesus didn’t demand that they get their life straight and act like a Pharisee…he came and meet them so he could show them what a life of love, joy, and peace would look like…they might have heard his words and it gone over their heads but instead he met them where they were and showed them what they wanted and needed and how to get there from where they were.
For the next few weeks, we are looking at some of the characters of the Easter story. We often bring them to life for this season and miss the life lessons they offer. Some of them have become simply characters and we miss that they are real people who chose …
When we are in our greatest trials, our greatest struggles Jesus understands completely but his desire is not for you to stay there but to walk in freedom. When your heart is broken, when the future looks dark and hopeless, the question is still the same, what did Jesus say?
In order to make every day count, the early church’s passion was, as we see in Acts 5, to do good authentically, do good abundantly, and to do good adventurously! It changed their lives and the world around them!
The early church didn’t have any of the advantages that some ministries boast and depend on today. They didn’t have big budgets provided by wealthy donors. Their pastors lacked any credentials from accredited universities and none of them had written any best-selling books (well, at least not yet). Most of …
Make every day count! Part 3 The very first followers of Jesus weren’t what you might expect. None of them had any seminary training. They didn’t belong to the religious elite or sit at the tables of governors and kings. They were common folk. Most of them had blue collars …
what made the early church so bold and impacting? Something Jesus promised and the church was willing to receive.
We are only given one life, a precious number of days? What are we doing with such an amazing gift? By following the example of the first Christians we can make every day count!
Everyone has voices in their head telling them how to make decisions. Not all of these voices are good or healthy but the Lord shows us how to make wise decisions every day!