Work the Problem Part 1

In the military, business, and in the Kingdom of God we really don’t have problems only solutions we have yet to discover and especially in the Kingdom our problems become opportunities for the Lord to move, as our problems only cause us to grow, to understand his heart better and …

Healing the Brokenhearted

Today I want us to talk about this subject, most of us have suffered some kind of loss and will in the future as well. Loss of a job, a marriage, a spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend, child, parent, close friend, a dream, health, financial loss or some other emotional trauma, something that has …

I am Free by Matt Vangura

                                                                  We are as free as we allow ourselves to be!!!! I would like to begin with an object lesson – person with luggage – This is a picture of us. Some of us carry a lot of stuff and some of us carry a little!! Our scripture that I …

The Power in the church

WARNING…..I did the best I could with the notes as I was trusting the Lord 3400 – 3500 hundred yearsago 1400-1500 years before the birth of Christ, Moses lead the Children of Israel out of captivity. Their freedom came after the death angel at the first Passover feast, passed over …

Fireside Chat

I want to share with you today some things that connect and don’t connect that we simply need to talk about… In 1859 a Scottish preacher by the name of John Duncan wrote an article called “Trilemma,” later, in 1936, Watchman Nee, picked up on it, and C.S. Lewis shared …


With Sergey here this morning I thought it would be appropriate to share about purpose. Sergey left Belarus with nothing to launch out to bring his family to safety and freedom in the US. He began his life in the US serving and has developed his own construction company and …

Love Conquers All

Happy Father’s day!  Today I want to encourage the men and by doing so I hope it will also encourage the women and children in the building As we begin today I do want to say that if you are a single mom or your husband is not a believer, …