God has chosen and entrusted us to communicate His love and His Word to the world. 

Sharing biblical Truths is an essential part of our calling as followers of Christ. Matthew 28:19-20 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the …

The Christmas Story….Fairy tale or Fact Part 2

The Bible is a combination of 66 books written by 40 authors over a period of thousands of years yet it is an integrated messaging system that tells a story completely connected from first words to the last….let’s take a little quirky things from the first 10 people in Jesus genealogy…their names tell a story from Adam to Noah…there is something important in every word in the Bible including the genealogies

The Christmas Story Fairy Tale or Fact

As we enter into the Christmas season some take the story to heart, other just accept that it is what everyone believes so they just go along with it, and others think it is foolish and that there are so many mistakes or made-up facts in the narrative that it can’t be true. I hope to prove to you that everything is true, every word and that there are no contradictions or made-up facts at all. The story, primarily supplied to us by Matthew and Luke is true and accurate in every detail. Afterall if we can’t trust this story, can we trust any of it. I want to take it from the image so familiar that it is almost a fairy tale to a truth you can stand on.

The Blessing…Part 3

Freedom – you may be saying I live in the freest nation in the world, I have never been in bondage but we do end up in bondage sometimes to shame, guilt, anger, fear, unforgiveness, debt, alcohol, drugs, food, spending, as well as the little boxes of limitation we place ourselves into, and so many other things. Here are some promises regarding your freedom.

The Blessing… Part 2

I want to encourage you today about God’s promises regarding meeting all of your needs often when we talk about these promises we are talking about finances and while I will touch on those today, we have many greater needs than simply financial. God wants to supply in exceeding abundance as we allow His power to work within us.

This is only a test!

In both the Old and New Testaments, the Lord ordained testing for his people. God doesn’t do it to beat us up or knock us down instead to help us see who we are and who he is in us. We can be at peace always knowing God is in control of the testing itself.