Double John! John Part 2

Double John! Study of the Gospel of John Part 2 Brief summary of last week before we launch this week Jesus always existed with God and is God Through Him everything is created and sustained He invaded and overcame the darkness  Everything is in God’s hands and until God’s plan …

The Creation of Jesus?

John starts by making sure that we understand, before anything was, before time was, existed, before the universe, the world, man, before there was anything Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit existed…when He says “in the beginning he is establishing Jesus’ linage as always existing with The Father and the Spirit, they are the same essence…

The Best Gift

Well, it is officially the last moment…if you are going to purchase someone a gift and haven’t gotten it yet, this is it. You may be on the hunt for the perfect gift but what is the perfect gift. Picking out any old gift is easy but finding the right …

God has chosen and entrusted us to communicate His love and His Word to the world. 

Sharing biblical Truths is an essential part of our calling as followers of Christ. Matthew 28:19-20 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the …

The Christmas Story….Fairy tale or Fact Part 2

The Bible is a combination of 66 books written by 40 authors over a period of thousands of years yet it is an integrated messaging system that tells a story completely connected from first words to the last….let’s take a little quirky things from the first 10 people in Jesus genealogy…their names tell a story from Adam to Noah…there is something important in every word in the Bible including the genealogies