Party like its 999!
It has been a very difficult 2 years but it is time to begin to expect God to do great things. It is time to simply celebrate His goodness and by faith, believe this season and next year will be amazing!
It has been a very difficult 2 years but it is time to begin to expect God to do great things. It is time to simply celebrate His goodness and by faith, believe this season and next year will be amazing!
We often don’t realize how blessed we are, in fact Jesus proclaimed a type of blessing for nearly every situation in one short passage
1 Corinthians 12 and 13 flow together to explain the gift of love 1 Corinthians 12:12-20, 27-31 12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized …
There are so many things that have crept into the church that are cultural and not biblical. Are ghosts real? What happens after we die? what do we look like after death?
So much battle, confusion, and strife in our world. What people need is not just to hear words of hope and love but to see hope and love in action
Our culture tells us love is so many things but most of those things are the result of love not love itself. Love is a choice, a decision that is made some times despite feelings and emotions.
Did God already describe to us in His word, how to live a long, healthy, full life? The answer is yes and science is now in agreement!
we are told we are a new creation when we come to Christ however does that mean we are only spiritually renewed or can the renewal mean physically we are redeemed as well?
COVID, politics, the troubles of the world, the troubles of our lives can bring us to a place of desert, God has a plan to keep us full of life not only for us but for all those around us, giving us hope, joy, and life!
Are Apostles and Prophets for today? How will we know them if they are? Are many people trying to prophesy how world events will unfold? What is the role of Apostles in the church today?