Let’s Turn the Tide!

Family, if we are going to see healing in our land, peace in our nation, and prosperity return. The church has to stand and move in its authority to see the heavens opened and God welcomed to pour out His blessings again. I believe everyone is doing their best to …

It’s OK

What’s OK….it is ok, to be fearful, it is ok, to doubt, it is ok to worry, it’s ok to get angry. It is even OK to fail. By now you’re think has the Pastor lost his mind, these are all types of sin, are you telling me it is …

Walk on water

When we are believing Jesus for a prayer need, we will normally always be faced with situations that are meant to get us to take our eyes off of Jesus and look at them. Those situations are called circumstances. Now, don’t get me wrong,circumstances are very real, and in a lot of cases, very formidable. But, they …

One Man’s Journey

Mathew 4:18-22    And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers,  Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea; for they werefishermen. Then He said to them, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” They immediately left their nets and followed Him, Going …

Great things are coming….trust the preparation Part 3

How are you in your wilderness experiences? We all walk through them. We all have seasons of feeling as if we are in a wilderness, wondering has God placed us on the shelf, have we done something wrong, have others wrongfully advanced…wildernesses can be places of refreshing and if we allow them, can be places of growth and blessing

Equal Shares by Simeon Siau

Missionaries are like comets… Simeon (Sim) – Singapore Joyce – the Burgh and Mon Valley 40 years Serving as Missionaries in Asia  God’s dream for the World & for Asia The Bible uses various pictures to express God’s dream for the world Here are 2 such pictures:- (Along with each, …