Joseph the Joy of Christmas

As the hopes and fears of all the years would be met in the baby boy born in Bethlehem and lying in a manger on that first Christmas night, a joy explosion from heaven ushered in the New Testament era. Luke’s gospel records the moment the Father’s joy arrived on the scene…. Luke 2:8-15 “And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by …

Mary – The love of Christmas

Some Christmas carols lend themselves to the backdrop of special moments in the Christmas story in unique ways. When the shepherds curiously approached the Mary and the Christ child, the chorus of “O come let us adore Him. O come let us adore Him. O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord” is fitting. And the way Luke describes these scenes before the manger, the love coming from Mary almost seems to be the inspiration for the title …

The Basics Part 3

Everything we have talked about has been based on the premise that the Bible is true so we need to begin this journey of knowing what we believe with the Bible How do we know the Bible is true? 1) The Bible says it is true  2 Timothy 3:16,17 All …

The Basics Part 2

So many of the cults, challenge who Jesus really is…Mormons believe Jesus is a son small “s” of the God Elohim and that Satan is also a son of God. Jehovah’s witnesses believe Jesus is a God not one with the Father as they have mistranslated the Bible to fit …

Let’s Turn the Tide!

Family, if we are going to see healing in our land, peace in our nation, and prosperity return. The church has to stand and move in its authority to see the heavens opened and God welcomed to pour out His blessings again. I believe everyone is doing their best to …

It’s OK

What’s OK….it is ok, to be fearful, it is ok, to doubt, it is ok to worry, it’s ok to get angry. It is even OK to fail. By now you’re think has the Pastor lost his mind, these are all types of sin, are you telling me it is …

Walk on water

When we are believing Jesus for a prayer need, we will normally always be faced with situations that are meant to get us to take our eyes off of Jesus and look at them. Those situations are called circumstances. Now, don’t get me wrong,circumstances are very real, and in a lot of cases, very formidable. But, they …