Relationship vs. Religion – Surrendering to God’s Will Through Obedience and Intimacy- Relationship or Relation to Religion? Teacher Jessi Cieply

I want to talk to you today about living a life of obedience to Jesus, walking in surrender, letting go of ourways and embracing God’s ways. I guess this is my life’s message. It’s been the heart of what God always seems to bring me back to in my walk with Him. I want to make my home in a place of surrender. As a young teenager seeking after the will of God for my life, it started there. Surrender. Not my will but yours be done was my prayer. I wanted so desperately to know “God’s will” for my life. There can be anethereal concept of God’s will, that one day we will just …

Making the connection Part 1

So many things are clamoring for our attention. Wanting us to listen to this or that, pay attention to this or that. Then sometimes we have trouble with a connection. I had T-Mobile for a brief period of time, I loved their service, when their system worked, it was great but my problem was I had no connection in my house or Monessen, or if I did get connection it was spotty and broken up….God wants a clear connection with us not spotty not with other voices competing for our attention just so we can have the confidence and success He plans for us.